The instructions below are for those who want to stream their service(s) live to allow for folks to call-in and participate.

You’ll need:

  1. iPhone or tablet as the speaker and microphone.
  2. iPhone or tablet as the camera feed (if desired).
  3. Zoom account. (As of this writing, I believe you have to have a paid Zoom account for meetings that last over 45 minutes.)
  4. A Join Live Meeting button on your website (if desired).

Only one person is required to set this up.  At my church, it’s always the First Reader.

Steps to set up for a service:

  1. Call into Zoom as the Host.
  2. Change the following Zoom settings:
    1. More.Host Tools.
      1. On a Wednesday, you want all the security off so folks can unmute themselves and give a testimony.  So, all security settings should be OFF. I recommend that all ‘Allow Participants to:’ should all be off EXCEPT for unmute.